Principal’s Message
The other day there was a face-to-face conflict with two students here at RJHS. A few words were said previously between the two and then that moment when either party waits to see what the other is going to do presented itself.
Suddenly, an outsider, one 6th grader stepped between the two, grabbed one of the students, and pulled him away from the conflict.
In a world where we face high-stakes testing, scholarship ramifications, and ACT scores, I watched on of our students watch out for one of his own. He stood up for good!
Our kids are strong. They have tremendous parents teaching them at home. They have wonderful teachers balancing the importance of academics with recognition for positive behaviors.
But who is teaching whom? The more I associate with your children, the more I realize the kids are the ones doing the teaching, and I’m the one doing most of the learning!