RJHS will be having a dress up week in conjunction with UHS Homecoming. Please remember dress code still applies, and no face paint should be brought to school.
4 months ago, Aubrey Yack
Homecoming Week
R J H S First Quarter Parent Teacher Conference will be Thursday, September 26th from 3:30-6:30pm. Make sure to stop by the commons to grab a piece of pizza and a cookie on your way out!
5 months ago, Aubrey Yack
Reminder! Tomorrow is picture day for RJHS. Students will take their picture during their English class. Pictures will be available for purchase on Friday (no preorders). Call the office for more information at 435-725-4585.
5 months ago, Aubrey Yack
See images for information on Girls Volleyball 6-8th Grades.
6 months ago, Aubrey Yack
RJHS Parents and Guardians, We will be on PM Assembly Schedule August 21 and 22. Refer to your email or the DCSD app for a detailed bell schedule. Please contact the front office if you have any questions 435-725-4585.
6 months ago, Aubrey Yack
PM Assembly Schedule
RJHS Parents and Guardians, We will be on AM Assembly Schedule the first day of school (August 20th). Refer to your email or the DCSD app for a detailed bell schedule. Please contact the front office if you have any questions 435-725-4585.
6 months ago, Aubrey Yack
AM Assembly Schedule
RJHS Parents and Guardians, Attached you will find the Bell Schedule, the Traffic Map for picking and dropping off your child, and the A/B Schedule. Please contact our Front Office with any questions you may have 435-745-4585. *Please make sure your child has their class schedule written down or printed out to use as a reference since electronic devices are not allowed. Pleas also write down your child's *********dcsds.org email address and lunch number.
6 months ago, Aubrey Yack
Traffic Map
A/B Schedule
Bell Schedule 2024-25
Teachers, Admin, and Full-Time Classified Staff, Please join us on August 14th for Opening Institute. Teachers and Admin, we'll start in the morning. Full-time Classified, please join us for lunch at 11:30 and stay the afternoon for instruction. Welcome back to a new year! And See you Soon!
6 months ago, Tom Felkins
opening institute flyer Aug. 14th 8AM-3 PM
Fall 2024 Child Find FREE Developmental Screenings far children ages Three to Five
7 months ago, James Sasser
Child Find Flyer
It is the most important 20 minutes of your day.
7 months ago, James Sasser
Read with your child
Hard to believe it is time to start thinking about these dates. Parents/students are strongly encouraged to register online. July 29 - Online registration opens Aug 20 - First Day of School If you need to come in person, the schedule is posted below.
7 months ago, James Sasser
24-25 Registration Dates
The #1 way to stay smart? Read!
8 months ago, James Sasser
Reading a critical part of your summer
Library Reading Challenge: Summer Reading
8 months ago, James Sasser
Library Adventure Challenge
In partnership with Roosevelt City, we are hosting a fun, free, community movie event at Constitution Park this Saturday to celebrate the beginning of summer break.
9 months ago, James Sasser
May 25, 2025 7:00 pm free movie @ Constitution Park
Student Government election voting is taking place right now for the current 6th and 7th grades. Students, make sure to check your school/district email to vote. Voting will end at 1:45pm today, May 22nd.
9 months ago, Aubrey Yack
Come join the fun at Constitution Park for a free movie night. There will be games, prizes, and a whole lot of fun. Movie is Wonka, start at 8PM. Bring chairs and a blanket.
9 months ago, Tom Felkins
Free movie night@Constitution Park
Attendance Matters Any Age Any Stage
9 months ago, James Sasser
Attendance Matters Any Age Any Stage
RJHS will be on morning assembly schedule tomorrow, May 22. Please refer to the school's app or your email to see the bell schedule.
9 months ago, Aubrey Yack
AM Assembly 5/22
RJHS will be on PM Assembly schedule tomorrow, May 21st. Please see the attached image for the schedule. Please contact the school with questions 435-725-4585.
9 months ago, Aubrey Yack
PM Assembly Schedule
RJHS will be on a 10 period class schedule on Monday, May 20th. Please refer to the DCSD app or your email to view the bell schedule. Contact the school with any questions 435-725-4585.
9 months ago, Aubrey Yack
5/20 Bell Schedule